Scientists believe they have nailed it, and found a particle that corresponds to what they expect the elusive Higgs-boson to be...This news is popped onto the BBC news page, along with comments enabled for people to add their tuppence worth to it.
Cue a bunch of scientifically illiterate arseholes who bemoan the money wasted on a needless experiment...People who feel that since it doesn't deal with climate change, it shouldn't have been funded, people who are so blind that they say "where is the practical value?" and whinge about starving children in Africa etc. I'll address the latter point, give a man a fish etc.
However, these complete toolbags are using the World Wide Web to register their disgust at the money wasted...They're using the World Wibe Web...Invented by Tim Berners-Lee who worked at CERN in order to allow scientists to communicate between distant labs. CERN where they've just found the Higgs-boson like particle (not confirming it yet). Take that fact, and stick it into your pipe, then choke on it you useless tossbag.
Secondly. Climate change...Hmmm...If we nail nuclear fusion, via scientific endeavour, we'll have a near limitless source of carbon free energy. Particle physics is very useful in all sorts of ways when it comes to cracking nuclear fusion. If we understand the very building blocks of nature, we can begin to think about manipulating them to create new and ever more useful elements and compounds...These may then be used to make cheaper and more stable shielding for nuclear fusion reactors.
You know what. Screw all you scientifically illiterate fools...People who wear their lack of knowledge as a badge of honour offend me by their very existence. I despised you when you refused to be educated at school, and I despise you now as you sneer at things you lack the intelligence to comprehend. Oh and, stop pissing money away on religion, pour it into science and reap true rewards. Why pray for the life of a loved one, when you can invest money into medical research?
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